Currently, you can find some of my early work from General Assembly on this page.

Travel App
This was a group project at General Assembly. We wanted to create an app that would help the user find events and entertainment on a vacation. My part of the application was the integration of the Google Maps API, and the deployment to Heroku. You can find the source code on Github here.

One-Third, Two-Thirds
A personal timeboxing app was my first Ruby on Rails project. This was my first time implementing back-end functionality and user authorization, as well as deploying on Heroku. Check out the source code here, as well as the accompanying demo video I produced on YouTube.

Flash Cards
My first app! I wrote this program a couple weeks after I started learning the basics of coding. It’s a simple flash card game that allows you to create your own cards. If you really want to see some amateur JavaScript, click here for the source code.